Friday, December 31, 2010

I'll be seeing ya in 2011....

Every closing of a year is the end of a chapter in ones life.  

My life's chapter for 2010 was full of high's and gut wrenching lows, much like those around me.  My marriage suffered it's biggest test and although there was a serious moment of "this may be the end" we've since rallied.  I can't lie, Jon carried most of the load following my cancer diagnosis in April.  Every day is still a trial and although the chemo got the best of the leukemia it doesn't eradicate the past issues that have haunted us.  Friendships have been tested and I've had to be a spectator instead of an active participant in the changes, both good and bad, that have taken place.  Motherhood has changed for me as I've entered the age of "I'm right and you clearly are a moron" when it comes to how my children approach me.  I'd love to think that this will pass but it seems with each passing year they seem to need or want my opinion and insight less and less.  Career that looked promising in January of 2010 ended due to my illness and left a promising and not talked about opportunity to go to waste.  Finances, like everyone else in the nation, continue to be a constant issue but has been less of an argument when it became apparent that it didn't matter how much money one has because it can all be over in an instant.

I still carry the baggage of past issues.  I hope that 2011 will bring a new light to some of the things that have followed me along through the years.  I look forward to making you all laugh with my take on this wonderful life that I've been given a second chance at living. 

Until then I wish you health, wealth and all that the promise of a new day and new year has to offer.


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